Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 57

Case study - Essay Example This needs a consent and disclosure form that should be separate from all job application form. The list of present and past addresses is the foundation for a systematic background check. Knowing where the person has lived is crucial for deciding where to search for criminal records and looking for time gaps as well, and mismatches of location compared to the information given by the applicant. An individual’s social security number (SSN) gets  given between their first job (victor, 2010). Hence, an SSN validation one can know if the applicant has a particular SSN one gave or the applicant is lying. The best searches for criminal background get carried out at person counties since there is no centralized entity to control every criminal record. One of the reason is the likelihood of getting criminal record is high in an individual’s present county residence because several crimes take place near their work or home. County searches are useful since misdemeanors and felonies normally get prosecuted at county courts court, and their results may not be reported to the state. Victor (2010) states, Background checks should get offered before employment. This is due to the sensitivity of the information in the applicant reports and particular records. To avoid getting information that would discriminate against the applicant, they are free to know where the origin of information used against them. Also, they should consent before the employer obtains a credit report. How to carry out background checks online: research and choose a company to conduct background checks on the applicants. Register for the website. Then request background checks. Once one clears registration, start requesting for background checks from the company by putting pertinent data for the applicant as prompted (Victor, 2010). It is risky since one

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